Kindergarten "Potočnica"

 Kindergarten "Potočnica" is situated in Vukovar Street 18, near Trešnjevački square. Kindergarten is distinctive in that it has a special bilingual Croatian-Hungarian program for children belonging to the Hungarian national community in Croatia. In 1996 a specialized program of drama kindergarten, derived from the principles of drama pedagogy was launched. In 1998 in kindergarten "Potočnica" special program for preschool children with disabilities began operating, the first such run in a regular kindergarten outside specialized agencies. Then in 2002 the kindergarten starts implementing a program of inclusion - a program for including children with disabilities into regular groups. In 2003 the program of Catholic religious education of preschool children was launched.

The kindergarten applied for project called "Little steps to true integration" under the IPA Programme "Integration groups disadvantaged in the regular education system. "The project is financed by the Agency for Vocational Education and Training and Adult Education, Department of Financing and Contracting of EU programmes. The kindergarten will help in the testing of the first version of the ICT-AAC, program for assistive communication, and collaborate with partners of a consortium to make the final version found its place in the system of preschool education.