ICT-AAC e-Gallery Senior

ICT-AAC e-Gallery Senior

This is the first application designed for adult persons developed within the ICT-AAC project. The individual needs of the user and the level of communication and speech-language development of the individual will determine the way and purpose of the application use. It is primarily designed to achieve communication needs arising from brain damage such as aphasia and traumatic brain injury. The ICT-AAC e-Gallery Senior ("ICT-AAC e-Galerija Senior" in Croatian) application contains three stories consisting of three, four and seven photos that show the sequence of everyday events and performing usual activities. The activity shown in each photo is accompanied by a written text. In addition to promoting self-expression based on the sequence of events, the application encourages recalling and creating of cause-and-effect relationships.

You can download the application from Play Store.


The application poster (in Croatian) can be downloaded by clicking the image below.