ICT-AAC Writing application released
The ICT-AAC Writing ("ICT-AAC Pisalica" in Croatian) application is now available, developed for Android and iOS operating systems as well as for web browsers.
The application makes it easy to learn how to properly write capital letters (graphemes) which is not sufficiently represented in available applications. Children of preschool age often try to write letters according to the examples they see in their environment (for example, from picture books, newspapers, jumbo posters). They often remember the wrong orientation of the letter (known as mirror writing) or the wrong writing direction. Such writing taught in a wrong way is then often difficult to correct. This application is the first application intended for learning of Croatian graphemes.
You can try the application on three different platforms: Android (link on Play Store), iOS (link on App Store) and web browsers (link).
ICT-AAC Language Builder application released
The ICT-AAC Language Builder ("ICT-AAC Jezična gradilica" in Croatian) application is now available, developed for Android and iOS operating systems as well as for web browsers.
The application is specifically designed to encourage morphological development of preschool children. It is suitable for children with typical language skills, and certainly for children with language development difficulties. The application enables better understanding of grammatical morphemes for plural of nouns and verbs in a visually appealing and entertaining way. The advantage of the application is its ability to use it in different contexts (e.g. preschool facilities and family environment).
You can try the application on three different platforms: Android (link on Play Store), iOS (link on App Store) and web browsers (link).
ICT-AAC What Time Is It application released
The ICT-AAC What Time Is It ("ICT-AAC Koliko je sati" in Croatian) application is now available, developed for Android and iOS operating systems as well as for web browsers.
The application is intended for children with developmental disabilities, but also for children of typical development, to help them manage in time by displaying the duration of events in time units. Also, the purpose of the application is to enhance the connection of the number and quantity as well as it improves the understanding of sequence of events in time.
You can try the application on three different platforms: Android (link on Play Store), iOS (link on App Store) and web browsers (link).
Android Letters update available
Update for Android version of application Letters ("Slovarica" in Croatian) is available through Google Play store. The update resolves issues with smaller screen sizes, so application can now be run on smaller mobile devices as well as on larger tablets.
You can download the application and find out more about the recent update by visitin the following link: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.skole.edu.croatia.slovaricaedu&hl=hr
Two iOS applications available
The first new application is ICT-AAC Letters ("ICT-AAC Slovarica" in croatian), application that helps children to learn visual symbols - letters - and new phonological forms. You can find more info about the application and download it here.
The second application available is new version of ICT-AAC Communicator ("ICT-AAC Komunikator" in croatian), the application that allows people with complex communication needs easier communication with the environment. New application features include 1500 new categorized symbols, swiping between screens with symbols, changing background color, changing symbol's name text color, changing symbol's frame color, along with some bug fixes. The application can be downloaded here.
Application Letters released
Application Letters ("Slovarica" in croatian) that helps children to learn visual symbols and new phonological forms is now available for download via Google Play Store. The current version is made for Android devices and is restricted to tablets.
You can download the application here.
Android Communicator released
After release of Communicator application designed for Apple devices in January 2013, more and more users were demanding similar application that would target Android devices. Croatian IT company CROZ recognized the demand, developed the application and donated it to the AAC community. Maintenance operations and user support will be handled by project FER team. Once again, we thank CROZ for their effort while the application can be downloaded here.
ICT-AAC Communicator allows people with complex communication needs easier communication with the environment. The application contains a basic set of symbols, while each user can create their symbols using photos or images. Pressing a symbol plays an associated sound. Users can adjust application interface to show more or less symbols over multiple sliding screens, select one of the available non-commercial symbol galleries and personalize the application to their needs.