Learning to Read

Učimo čitati

The Learning to Read ("Učimo čitati" in Croatian) application helps to learn syllables, new terms and words. In addition, besides the predefined set of words, the application allows adding and categorizing new words. When adding a word, the user can assign an appropriate symbol or a photo (image from the gallery or the camera of the device) and the audio record (sound recorded on the device).

You can download the application from here, while detailed instructions for the application use can be downloaded from here (PDF document in Croatian).

Learning Words

Učimo riječi

The Learning Words ("Učimo riječi" in Croatian) application is an educational tool for teaching new words by using the communication system based on symbols. During the application usage, the symbols representing objects, actions, persons, and different terms are displayed to the user in a random order. The symbol showed on a display is accompanied by an appropriate audio record and the text of a symbol name in which different syllables are highlighted in different color.

You can download the application from here, while detailed instructions for the application use can be downloaded from here (PDF document in Croatian).

ICT-AAC Memory

ICT-AAC Memory

The ICT-AAC Memory ("ICT-AAC Pamtilica" in Croatian) application belongs to a series of applications that are used for fostering the skills required for reading in a fun and attractive way. It is often wrongly believed that mastering letters is the only prerequisite for successful mastery of reading. The concept of phonological awareness, raised through this application, is a key pre-reading skill because children, prior to formal reading lessons, become skilled in identifying, isolating and "handling" areas smaller than words.

The application is intended for all preschoolers who show an interest in reading skills, but also for those who are still in the process of identifying and allocating word letters. Application is based on the symbol usage within the user interface in the form of a network of symbols. Symbols can be paired with words according to the first letter in the word. The application is implemented as a game, most similar to popular memory games.

Furthermore, each symbol is associated with the appropriate text and selecting symbols reproduces the associated sound, i.e. pronunciation. Besides the aforementioned benefits, the application can encourage the adoption of new words and forming letter-voice associations. Depending on the individual needs and capabilities of users, the application enables various setup options (choosing background color, number of couples to show, locking etc.).

You can download the application from Play Store.



Recognize Terms

Prepoznaj pojmove

The Recognize Terms ("Prepoznaj pojmove" in Croatian) application is an educational tool for teaching new terms by using the communication system based on symbols. The teaching model implemented in the application is based on the modified discrete trial teaching. The application was evaluated with a representative group of end users and educational rehabilitation experts.

Detailed instructions for the application use can be downloaded from here (PDF document in Croatian).

You can download the application from Play Store. 


ICT-AAC Vocals

ICT-AAC Glaskalica

The ICT-AAC Vocals ("ICT-AAC Glaskalica" in Croatian) application helps mastering phonological awareness, which is one of the main prerequisites for reading. It consists of recognition of first, last or all letters in a given word. To enable the gradual learning, application tasks' difficulty varies according to the complexity of the words. 

Overall, users have access to six possible "difficulties" of the game that encompasses more than 200 expert-chosen words. Each given word is represented by an image that depicts the term in question, along with a pre-recorded pronunciation.  

The application can be downloaded from Google's Play Store.


Saznajte više...

ICT-AAC e-Gallery

ICT-AAC e-Galerija

The ICT-AAC e-Gallery ("ICT-AAC e-Galerija" in Croatian) application enables users to create stories using photos. Users can assign text and audio to each photo and thus create their own stories for their kids

Each image can be attributed with text and audio record describing the appropriate part of the story. The sound is played back by pressing the thumbnail image when viewing story. Besides viewing the existing and creating new stories, the application contains two games: "Sort story" and "Remove odd one out". In the game "Sort story" user has to sort mixed thumbnails of selected stories in the right order, while in the game " Remove odd one out" user must select images that do not belong to the story. Application settings allow user to adjust the font size and the size of thumbnails, automatic scrolling of the story and change the background color, images frame color and text color.

You can download the application from Play Store.




ICT-AAC Mathematical Carousel

ICT-AAC Mathematical Carousel

The ICT-AAC Mathematical Carousel ("ICT-AAC Matematički vrtuljak" in Croatian) application helps preschool and school-aged children with basic mathematical operations

Current version of the application involves three activities: counting, equality of sets and basic math operations using numbers or symbols.

You can download the application from Play Store.



ICT-AAC Letters

ICT-AAC Slovarica

The ICT-AAC Letters ("ICT-AAC Slovarica" in Croatian) application helps children to learn visual symbols and new phonological forms. Such paired visual and auditory symbols in this group of children encourage, maintain and improve early literacy skills necessary for reading and writing. The application contains a basic set of symbols, while each user can create their symbols using photos or images.

You can download the application from Play Store.



ICT-AAC Mathematical Playground

ICT-AAC Mathematical Playground

The ICT-AAC Mathematical Playground ("ICT-AAC Matematička igraonica" in Croatian) application helps preschool children with basic mathematical skills.

Current version of the application involves six mathematical games: Join, Separate, Connect, Detect, Count and Line.

You can download the application from Play Store.



ICT-AAC Communicator

ICT-AAC Communicator

The ICT-AAC Communicator ("ICT-AAC Komunikator" in Croatian) application allows people with complex communication needs easier communication with the environment. The application contains a basic set of symbols, while each user can create their symbols using photos or images. Pressing a symbol plays an associated sound. Users can adjust application interface to show more or less symbols on the screen, select one of the available public galleries of symbols and the like.

The application for Android devices was developed by company CROZ while updates and maintenance are responsibility of ICT-AAC project team.

You can download the application from Play Store.